Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Just a little bit of update...

There's no book to be written really for this update, but it's a GOOD update, so it's well worth my time! :)

Jonathan has seen improvement!!!! His leg jerks have decreased and he has not fallen nearly as much as before. Praise God!!

That being said, he is still suffering from very serious pain (remember one of the meds decreasing is his primary pain medication), and excruciating spinal headaches & migraines. He is anxious to be up and moving again, and finds himself trying to do more with less leg issues...and pushes too hard too soon. Saturday he tried to be outside with the kids and do a "little" around the yard. Unfortunately he had a fall and ended up with a rock landing on his hand, so he's having pain with that now too. BUT...he is improving in the leg issue area!

But we are thankful to see even this small/huge improvement and continue to pray for complete healing!!

Thank you for all the prayers, friends!!