Just a brief update while I break for my lunch today.
Not a whole lot has changed.
Jonathan is in a great deal of pain, especially migraines and ringing in his ears. His PCP says this is "normal" for what he calls concussion syndrome ... and it can last for months, unfortunately.
Today we received the results of the T-spine MRI that was done last week. There were no abnormalities, and we are to follow up with Dr. L in six months. I knew this would happen, but apparently there's nothing I can do to change it. It upsets me.
So, in the meantime he has an appointment scheduled for endocrinology on 12/2. I'm not sure what that's for, but we'll see.
Also, our Senior Pastor is putting in a call to a friend of his who is an internist @ Hershey to see if he will take on Jon's case or can direct us to someone who can maybe help him. I am very thankful for this and pray that it will help us get some answers.
I still haven't decided what to do about a family doctor. Quite frankly the thought of it scares me. Just when I think I know who to get him in with, I hear something about someone else and question it all over again. I need to just bite the bullet and pick one. I figure it can't be worse than the one he has!!
Not much else going on around here. Sunday was my 32nd birthday -- and it was pretty uneventful, which is good :) Tomorrow is Jon & my 9th wedding anniversary. I have so many emotions about this ... that I can't put them into words, but I'll choose one - thankful. I am very thankful for my husband.
As far as the kids -- wow. For about a week now Riley has had energy beyond belief. He doesn't stop for a second and it's crazy exhausting. I just want to lock myself in the room and cry half the time, but Jon & I are trying to take shifts and make sure each of us gets a breather when we need it to make it through.
So please continue to pray for Jon's healing, pain relief, and our family. We love each of you and appreciate all you do!!!