Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Tomorrow is *Fall Festival* @ Riley's preschool.  I had recently gotten a cake pop maker (with a coupon of course!) and also got a fun book for ideas.  So when I saw this on the calendar, I knew I had to try to make these

I started at noon yesterday making 2 boxes of cake mix into balls.  That took about 2 hours (12 at a time).  Then I attempted to melt the green candy wafers to dip my pretzels in (I opted for this for a stem instead of tic tacs).  It didn't go well.  They wouldn't melt creamy, and I kept warming them 30 seconds at a time...and they turned brown.  Yuck.  So I figured maybe it was the brand (Wilton's).  All my other colors (for his birthday party this Saturday) were a different brand from A.C. Moore.  So I popped open one of those and tested to see if they melted.  PERFECT!  So I ran to A.C. Moore quickly and bought new green, came home, and started the fun of dipping all the stems & cake balls.  It. was. time. consuming.  Whew. 

After ALL that, I went to use my edible marker on them to draw faces, and the marker wasn't working well.  Plus, when you touched the marker part, it stained your fingers!  I figured a bunch of 3/4 year old parents wouldn't care for their kids all stained up, so I scratched that idea (Jon ate that one!).  So, voila - here are my 60(ish) pumpkin cake balls for tomorrow morning!!!  (there are some under the foil). 

Now I have Friday to look forward doing twice as many....oy.